Draining the Myth

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Mapping the Bermuda Triangle

Using advanced sonar based mapping technologies and a wide variety of vehicles, the ocean floor can be mapped to incredible detail. This gives us the ability to see what truly lies bellow the surface bellow the waves.

What do we really know about this 500,000 square mile piece of ocean? Why does it have such an ominous and mysterious past? Is there truly something ‘different’ about this area of the ocean that supposedly has claimed so many lives?

There have been many stories done on the Bermuda Triangle but none that have gone to the depths of what we have accomplished. Will this uncover the the truth behind this popular myth?

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CG Recreations

 Using actual data from sophisticated sonar surveys we can now see what the ocean floor looks like deep below the Bermuda Triangle. What strange geological features will be revealed and will they shed light on the mysterious occurrences that have been documented within the boundaries of this area of ocean?


Excerpts from the Show

Drain the Bermuda Triangle Opening

Info about things.

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